Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Hello Beautiful! I'm here again. Now that winter is here and the days will be colder. I hate it ! In vain i drink tea or hot chocolate doesn't heat me up.I do not know you guys that you are with it but sometimes need an inspiration how to survive the winter. For example, today, torn between the rain, blown by the wind and Damn it was so cold. The days are short..I don't like. Anyway.. Lets see the practices
[if you want i tell some story :D ] 

1:Make a lot of cookie

I remember when i make my first cookie it was so hard to eat therefore I decorated with it. :D I think we still have it :D ! However
Take out your recipe book from the shelf, and make a lot of different cakes,cookie or pie. It will take time as long as you will be ready with it. I'ts fun and everyone loves cake/cookie/biscuits.The oven warm therefore no need to worry about that you will feel cold. Invite your friends and do it together. Practice to decorate and the grandmother will be proud of you. I think. :D at the christmas sure.

2:Read book or magazine 

Go to the nearly bookshop and buy a book/magazine. Improves comprehension and the imagination.
If you have a lot of time at home pick it and read it! If you don't have enough money go to the library.
There are a lot of them that you almost can't be put down.If you prefer like magazine to books then  leran about fashion, lifestyle or home. 

3: Online shopping

Now the people prefer like online shopping than "real shopping". Today I go shopping to the nearly city and it was awful.I Don't really like people here..They are dirty,smelly and larcenous.Otherwise only buy a shoes.
On the internet there are lot of clothes. Cheap,expensive,fashionable,old,individual..etc.I  can spend hours with it. Try it something new. Search for the sales. 

4:Good things

First the  thick/bound/fuzzy sock. I've got a lot. There are so cute and so warm and soo soft. When I'm at home, I get dressed to homey clothes and my fuzzy sock :3! I have short and long also.
Second: the holidays for example: Christmas, New Year and Valentine's Day. These are amazing, full of love
and presents! :) I like to give a present/gift for my family and who's in trouble. Third: Foods! we do not have to talk about it just cook and eat ! 
Fourth: Christmas Decoration. The spheres and light is beautiful :)
Fifth: Snowman! Don't forget the snowmans and snowangels. It's so funny ! 


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