Sunday, November 30, 2014

Butt exercises#2

Hello people ! I'm here again, of course. Damn . It was difficult for the week. I saw you interested in my exercises related entry. Therefore, I will continue the "exercises" entries. Let's start!

1: Dumbbell Side Lunges

 How to: Stand tall with two light dumbbells . Take a large step to the left and squat down laterally until your left thigh is parallel with the floor and the dumbbells touch the ground 
Sit back over the back half of your butt, with most of the pressure on your heels — resist any pull to hunch forward. Press through your butt and return back up to start  Repeat for the right side and continue to alternate. (You can do this without dumbells)

2: Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts

How to: Stand up tall with a dumbbell/kettlebell in your right hand. With a slight bend in your left knee, maintain your balance, kick out your right leg, and slowly lean forward until your torso is parallel with the floor — all of the pressure should sit behind your left hamstring and butt cheek.
Hold the stretch for 1s and powerfully drive up through your left heel into a full stand. Repeat a full set with your left side and repeat for the right.

3: Dumbbell Lunges

How to: Stand tall with two dumbbells. Take one large step forward with your left leg and lunge down until your thigh is parallel with the floor; your left knee should be slightly above the floor . Maintain a flat back and strong posture throughout.
Contract your butt and hamstrings, press through your left heel, and drive up into standing position . Repeat a full set with your left leg, switch sides, and repeat for the right.

4:Donkey Kicks 

Get down on your hands and knees, keeping your back straight and abdominal muscles tight. Slowly raise one leg with knee bent using your butt muscles and hold for 2 counts. Slowly bring the leg back down. Alternate legs, repeating the exercise 15 times for each one. Increase the sets as you feel ready.


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