Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Back exercies

Hy everybody!
Smart training effectively smashes all regions of the back in balance. We’ve pulled together 5 of the top exercises to absolutely thrash the back from top-to-bottom, stimulate fresh new growth, and chisel out powerful lats, traps, and everything in between.

1 Bent-Over One Arm Dumbbell Rows

1. Place your left knee and left hand firmly anchored on a flat bench. Your left hand should serve as support for your body.
2. Maintain a tight core and flat back, contract your lats and biceps, and slowly row the dumbbell upwards until it’s above your torso.
3. Hold 1s and slowly lower the dumbbell to a full extension — you should feel a stretch throughout your upper backout. Repeat.

2 Renegade Dumbbell Rows

1. Assume push up position with two dumbbells (neutral grip) 
2. While keeping your core tight and back flat, powerfully row your right arm up until it’s slightly above your torso. Don’t rotate your body.
3. Hold the contraction for 1s, return to the bottom , and repeat for the opposite arm.

3 Wide Row

Grab one dumbbell with each hand and flex your knees and hips to bring yourself to a squatting position.
Lift both dumbbells straight up without altering the angles at your knees and hips and lower them back after a short pause.
Breathe out when lifting the dumbbells and breathe in when returning to starting position

4. Superman

 Start by lying on your stomach with face down. Raise your shoulders and hold yourself up with your arms extended in front of you. Hold for 30 seconds, then return to starting position. Repeat

  5. Advanced Reach

This exercise is more difficult than it looks. Start on all fours. Raise your right leg backward, and raise your left arm up reaching in front of you. Hold for ten seconds. Go back to starting position. Repeat position with left leg and right arm. Do the exercise ten times alternating legs/arms.

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