Monday, March 23, 2015

PinUp Outfit Ideas

Hy Ladies! 
The spring is coming. We have a lot of new problem... new clothes, new lipsticks and eyeshadows. In year pretty has been popular the PinUp style. Firstly I want to show some outfit ideas. I think type of stlyes is expresses our personality. We can be "bad girl" or "housewife". You dont have to be thin. However, Lets see this amazing world

1. The bad girl
I love it! Everyone have checkered shirt. Wear with short jeans and boots. Make your hair curly and thats all. Amazing!
2.Skirt Type
You have to buy these skirt if you want to be real pinup girl. Amazing how different than the simple lace ini skirts...and makes you feminine. Wear with simple high heel. 

3. Typical Dresses
I think everyone recognize this dresses on the street. Different,pretty and fashionable.


Welcome back in the spring ! The weather is warmer and the nature turn into amazing ;) That's why I start a new facebook page! The theme is: Dress ideas, outfits etc.. and slowly i share a lot of new hair styles. Do you want to see it ? Okey, fine :D 

Visit my site :) If you want like my page and share with me yours in comment. And if you have a great outfit send me on Facebook or email and I'll show on the page !! :) 
Coming soon a PinUp post 
Have a nice day!

Monday, March 2, 2015

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